Picture Perfect & Popcorn Break
Thursday, April 17, 2025 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
- LocationDwire Lobby
- DescriptionActive Student employees, come snap a Polaroid, grab a bag of popcorn, and learn about our College of Education programs! Stop by for a fun break and capture the moment with a free photo, enjoy a tasty treat, and discover how we can help you take the next step in your career!
Hosted by: College of Education
Additional Information can be found at: https://mlc.uccs.edu/event/11154726 - Websitehttps://mlc.uccs.edu/event/11154726
- CategoriesSocial
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- Apr 175:30 PMMasters of Fungi Part One: Intro to Mushroom CultivationThe University of Colorado Mycological Society at UCCS is proud to offer The Masters of Fungi Series: An exciting, unique, and captivating series that aims to take to you on a journey of mycological understanding. This is a powerful series of 5 separate mycology & Mushroom cultivation workshops. In an effort to teach you the lifelong skills of mushroom cultivation, each workshop has been carefully crafted by our Lead Mycologist Christopher Vinci. Christopher has been dedicated his life to the practice of mycology and with over 20 years of mushroom cultivation and mycology expertise he aims to educate you, guide you, and train you to become a Master of Fungi. Christopher and his dedicated team of mycologists at the UCCS Mycological Society have designed and developed each workshop to ensure your cultivation skills reach full potential. This special instructional series begins with part one, Intro to Mushroom Cultivation. This installment of the series is designed to give you the foundational skills you need to become a true Master of Fungi. During the class, you will get hands on training and guidance as you put the practice of mycology into action. Each attendee will be provided a free "3LB All in One Mushroom Grow Bag from local mycology supply store, Colonizing Colorado, LLC. Each bag will also come with your choice of mushroom genetics to use with your free grow bag! Participants can choose of two strains Blue Oyster Mushroom or Lions Mane Mushroom. The class will teach you the basics of mushroom cultivation, including how to inoculate your bag with live mycelium along with the skills and knowledge needed to care for your grow bag, allowing you to harvest your own food and medicine yourself. So don't miss out on this free and transformative workshop, that is undoubtable guaranteed to be an amazing opportunity to enhance your mycology skills, develop best practices for sustainable, and effective mushroom cultivation. Hosted by: UCCS Mycological SocietyAdditional Information can be found at: https://mlc.uccs.edu/event/11159260