UCCS Model United Nations Club Meeting
Thursday, May 29, 2025 5:30–7:30 PM
- LocationUniversity Center 126
- DescriptionModel UN Club Meeting
Hosted by: UCCS Model United Nations
Additional Information can be found at: https://mlc.uccs.edu/event/11065267 - Websitehttps://mlc.uccs.edu/event/11065267
- CategoriesThoughtfulLearning, Meetings, Social Sciences
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- Jun 1212:00 AMLast Day to Add Full Semester Length Classes (Main Campus) in myUCCS Portal Without Instructor/Dean ApprovalReview Main Campus course/session deadlines here.Thursday, June 12: Last day to enroll/waitlist WITHOUT instructor permission for full semester main campus courses.Friday, June 13: Waitlists deleted for full semester main campus courses.Friday, June 13 through Tuesday, June 17: Instructor permission is required to add full semester courses.After Tuesday, June 17, approval of the instructor and the appropriate college dean are required& to enroll in full semester main campus courses.Note: You may acquire instructor permission by using an Add/Drop Course Form (available in the Office of the Registrar Main Hall room 108) or a Permission Number. Permission numbers are student specific and can be obtained through the academic department for the course or your academic/program advisor.Hosted by: Academic Calendar, Orientation and New Student OutreachAdditional Information can be found at: https://mlc.uccs.edu/event/10219476
- Jun 1312:00 AMSession A Census Date (Important - Please Review!)Friday, June 13th is the Census Date for Session A Semester Courses:Last day to add Session A main campus courses with only instructor approval. Instructor, academic dean, and Bursar's office approvals are needed for Session A course adds after this date. Last day to drop Session A main campus course(s) with 100% refund of tuition and most fees. Any Session A course dropped after this date is considered a course withdrawal. Session A course withdrawals after this date are nonrefundable and are assigned a grade of "W."Short courses (condensed courses not meeting for the full term), have different add, drop, census dates and associated refund deadlines. Review those dates here.**Review other important course deadlines here**Hosted by: Academic CalendarAdditional Information can be found at: https://mlc.uccs.edu/event/10219510
- Jun 1312:00 AMWaitlist Deleted (Full Semester Main Campus Classes)Friday, June 13: Waitlists deleted for full semester length main campus courses.Friday, June 13 through Tuesday, June 17: Instructor permission is required to add full semester main courses.After Tuesday, June 17:Instructor, academic dean, and the Bursar's office signatures are required to enroll in full semester main campus courses.Review other important course deadlines here.Hosted by: Academic CalendarAdditional Information can be found at: https://mlc.uccs.edu/event/10219507
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- Jun 1712:00 AMCensus Date (Important - Please Review!)Tuesday, June 17th is the Census Date for Full Semester Main Campus Courses:Tuition and fees are due or a payment plan must be setup by this date. Last day to opt-out of TAAP.Last day to add full semester main campus courses with only instructor approval. Instructor, academic dean, and Bursar's office approvals are needed for course adds after this date.Last day to drop all full semester main campus course(s) with 100% refund of tuition and most fees. Any course dropped after this date is considered a withdrawal.Individual course withdrawals and complete semester withdrawals (all courses) after this date are nonrefundable and are assigned a grade of "W." Short courses (condensed courses not meeting for the full term), have different add, drop and census dates and associated refund deadlines. Review those dates here.**Review other important course deadlines here**Hosted by: Academic Calendar, Orientation and New Student OutreachAdditional Information can be found at: https://mlc.uccs.edu/event/10219514