- LocationUCCS
- DescriptionMeet together and discuss politics on the local, state, national, and international levels. Non-partisan and anyone is welcome
Hosted by: Turning Point USA
Additional Information can be found at: https://mlc.uccs.edu/event/11035624 - Websitehttps://mlc.uccs.edu/event/11035624
- CategoriesThoughtfulLearning
More from UCCS Events
- Apr 17:30 PMCru Community GroupCommunity Groups are a place to experience Christ-centered relationships and learn about God together. Our relationship with God is not meant to be lived out in solitude, and our questions about him are not always answered best on our own. Community Groups create space for friendship, for thoughtful conversation, and for growth in our understanding of who God is and what it means to live life with him. Seniors often say it was the best thing they did while in college!Hosted by: CruAdditional Information can be found at: https://mlc.uccs.edu/event/10225400
- Apr 210:00 AMGraduation FairMark your calendar for the UCCS Graduation Fair at the Bookstore! Get your cap, gown, and graduation essentials, all while enjoying refreshments and discounts. Don't miss this one-stop shop to prepare for your commencement ceremony!Hosted by: UCCS Campus StoreAdditional Information can be found at: https://mlc.uccs.edu/event/10183880
- Apr 210:00 AMUCCS Graduate School Admissions-Office HoursDo you have questions about completing your application to UCCS Graduate School? Or just not sure where to start in the process? Come visit our ~virtual~ office hours to have all your questions answered! Not able to make this time? Check out our other events on MLC! Questions? Please contact Dee at: Djohns42@uccs.edu (Graduate Recruitment Specialist-Office of Admissions). Hosted by: Graduate School AdmissionsOnline Location: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YzU3YzkwYzMtMTE1NS00YzYxLTg4OTAtZDkxNGNmMTZiMTM3%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22529343fa-e8c8-419f-ab2e-a70c10038810%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22d6ad5807-2f40-4592-a3da-aff840ec9499%22%7dAdditional Information can be found at: https://mlc.uccs.edu/event/10920468
- Apr 210:45 AMPi Lambda Chi TablingDuring this time, the ladies of PLC will be tabling in the UC for recruitment.Hosted by: Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, IncorporatedAdditional Information can be found at: https://mlc.uccs.edu/event/11161060
- Apr 211:00 AMCoffee & CraftJoin First2Go for coffee and crafting! We'll have a variety of crafts, snacks, and drinks for you to enjoy while decompressing from school. We hope to see you there. This event aims to be accessible. For reasonable accommodations, please contact us at (719) 255-7533 or first2go@uccs.edu no later than 72 hours before the event.Hosted by: First2Go, MOSAICAdditional Information can be found at: https://mlc.uccs.edu/event/10934567
- Apr 211:00 AMUCCS Graduate School Admissions-UCCS Graduate Programs Info SessionAre you thinking about attending graduate school? Or are you interested in learning more about our UCCS Graduate Program options? Join us for a ~virtual~ info session where will cover the "start to finish" graduate school process, beginning with thinking and exploring and ending with the application itself. We will also spend time reviewing our UCCS graduate programs! Questions? Please email Dee at djohns42@uccs.edu.edu. Hosted by: Graduate School AdmissionsOnline Location: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NzBjMzMyNGQtOGM5ZS00YjE4LTkwZDUtYjIxY2Y4NDAwMGZh%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22529343fa-e8c8-419f-ab2e-a70c10038810%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22d6ad5807-2f40-4592-a3da-aff840ec9499%22%7dAdditional Information can be found at: https://mlc.uccs.edu/event/10979582