Open House
Download the Information Flyer for the Open House here.
New Student Tasks
Campus Resource Fair

Visit our campus resources and explore the support services designed to fuel your success. Located in front of Dwire Hall.
Academic Resource Fair
Connect with academics from your interest area and learn about what to expect during your first year. Located in the University Center.
Involvement Resource Fair
Visit with student activities, clubs, Greek life, student government, and UCCSlead. Located in front of the University Center in the Upper Plaza.
Clyde's Kickoff Preview

Get a sneak peak of the many events hosted during the first week of the semester. Located in the Student Life Lounge.
Visit The Multicultural office of Student Access, Inclusiveness, and Community (MOSAIC). Designed to provide advocacy, support, and community for all students who historically and currently have been underserved in higher education, particularly those who identify as students of color, LGBT+, or undocumented. Located in the MOSAIC office.
Bookstore & Chromebooks

Pick up your textbooks and shop for some UCCS spirit gear at the bookstore. Reserve and pick up your free rental of a new Chromebook laptop for your time at UCCS. Located in the UCCS Bookstore.
Class Registration Support

Visit with academic advising to make any final adjustments to your first semester class schedule. Located in Café 65.
Mountain Lion Photos

Meet in front of the Kraemer Family Library for your first photos as a Mountain Lion!
Residence Hall & Campus Tours
Campus tours will start in the grass area in front of the clock tower at Kraemer Family Library.