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The Grand Canyon - GES Colloquium

Friday, March 14, 2025 1:00–2:00 PM
  • Location
    UCCS Campus
  • Description
    Please join Georgraphy and Enviromental Studies (GES) this Friday afternoon for the Spring GES Colloquium featuring CU-Boulder geologist.TEaching Professor of Distinction, Dr. Lon Abbott.
    How and When Was Grand Canyon's Inner Gorge Cut?
    Dr. Lon Abbott
    Friday, March 14, 2025
    1:00-2:00 pm
    Columbine Hall 329
    Ever since geologist John Wesley Powell led the first daring descent through the Grand Canyon in 1869, scientists have studies how this incomparable gorge was carved. Despite more than 150 years of research, many debates rage over how and when the Canyon formed. One such debate is whether the Canyon was incised at a constant rate over millions of years or if instead it was carved by the upstream migration of a transient knickzone, which would trigger brief episodes of extremely rapid incision that separate periods of slower, steadier incision.

    Hosted by: Department of Geography and Environmental Studies

    Additional Information can be found at:
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  • Categories
    ThoughtfulLearning, Community Events, Lectures & Forums, Informational Session, Natural Sciences, Civic Engagement and Service

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