- LocationUCCS
- DescriptionMeet together and discuss politics on the local, state, national, and international levels. Non-partisan and anyone is welcome
Hosted by: Turning Point USA
Additional Information can be found at: https://mlc.uccs.edu/event/11035618 - Websitehttps://mlc.uccs.edu/event/11035618
- CategoriesThoughtfulLearning, Activities, Meetings, Roundtable Discussion, Social Event, Humanities, Social Sciences, Student Club/Org Events, Civic Engagement and Service
More from UCCS Events
- Apr 308:30 AMUCCS Ethics Roundtable Series: Cultivating Belonging through Ethical Writing PracticesJoin us to learn from ethics fellow Catherine Grandorff, Teaching Professor / Assistant Director of the First-Year Rhetoric & Writing Program, English Department, College of Letters, Arts & Sciences. Register at April 30 Ethics Roundtable. Breakfast is provided for in person participation. Virtual ZOOM option. Writing as an individual and collective practice has long been a means of developing ideas. But in a world where generative AI can crank out content and citation on the fly, how can writing and reference instruction serve as an opportunity to both welcome students into an academic community and curate their own, human voice? Attendees of this roundtable will be invited to consider the intersection of ethical academic practices and student belonging, as well as account for ways that AI tools can help and hinder both. UCCS Ethics Initiative Collegiate Program's Ethics Roundtables are lectures or workshops featuring faculty and staff who have been selected as Ethics Fellows. Roundtables are held throughout the academic year, and are open to all UCCS faculty, staff, Southern Colorado Ethics Consortium schools and interested students. This event provides an opportunity to share best practices, classroom experiences, subject specific course materials, and address specific concerns. Roundtables provide UCCS faculty and staff along with invited guests the opportunity to hear about how others teach ethics and implement principle-based ethics in their work or area of expertise. Hosted by: College of Business, UCCS Ethics Initiative at College of BusinessAdditional Information can be found at: https://mlc.uccs.edu/event/10340337
- Apr 309:00 AMUCCS Graduate School Admissions-Office HoursDo you have questions about completing your application to UCCS Graduate School? Or just not sure where to start in the process? Come visit our ~virtual~ office hours to have all your questions answered! Not able to make this time? Check out our other events on MLC! Questions? Please contact Dee at: Djohns42@uccs.edu (Graduate Recruitment Specialist-Office of Admissions). Hosted by: Graduate School AdmissionsOnline Location: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NjkzNjdhZjEtNzM4My00Y2E3LTkwOGEtYmVmMTM2ZDU3ODQ5%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22529343fa-e8c8-419f-ab2e-a70c10038810%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22d6ad5807-2f40-4592-a3da-aff840ec9499%22%7dAdditional Information can be found at: https://mlc.uccs.edu/event/10920472
- Apr 3011:00 AMCoffee & CraftJoin First2Go for coffee and crafting! We'll have a variety of crafts, snacks, and drinks for you to enjoy while decompressing from school. We hope to see you there. This event aims to be accessible. For reasonable accommodations, please contact us at (719) 255-7533 or first2go@uccs.edu no later than 72 hours before the event.Hosted by: First2Go, MOSAICAdditional Information can be found at: https://mlc.uccs.edu/event/10934569
- Apr 3012:00 PMJapanese Conversation Table -- BeginnerWeekly Beginner Japanese conversation table to practice speaking Japanese and learn new vocabulary. All levels are welcomed, however, this session is aimed towards beginners.Hosted by: Excel Languages CenterAdditional Information can be found at: https://mlc.uccs.edu/event/11169744
- Apr 301:30 PMFrench Conversation TableWeekly French conversation table to practice speaking French and learn new vocabulary.Hosted by: Excel Languages CenterAdditional Information can be found at: https://mlc.uccs.edu/event/11169691
- Apr 301:30 PMCancelled: French Conversation TableWeekly French conversation table to practice speaking French and learn new vocabulary.Hosted by: Excel Languages CenterAdditional Information can be found at: https://mlc.uccs.edu/event/11169559