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Summit Village student housing with mountains in the background
What makes student housing at UCCS unique from other colleges is that we don’t have any dorms. In a traditional dorm layout, there’s a floor of bedrooms with one big communal bathroom at the end of the hall that you’re sharing with 40 people. Gross.

Here at UCCS, all of the student living is suite-style, so students live in suites with usually three other students, but that can range all the way from zero to five other suitemates. Then, it’s only going to be the people that live in the suite that share a bathroom. To see all of the various suite layouts, there are floor plans available online at UCCS’s website.

For the vast majority of cases, suites are all grouped by gender, and floors are coed. There are very few coed suites that are available only by request. Additionally, there are some themed floors in some of our residence halls. Some themed floors are academic, there are some sports floors for our NCAA athletes, and there are also lifestyle themed floors for academic honors and outdoor activities. All of the theme floors are available on request.

Taking a look around, you can get a pretty good feel for how spacious the residence hall suites are. All the tan-colored wood furniture is provided by the university. Students are more than welcome to bring their own TVs, microwaves, mini-fridges, or gaming consoles. Things that students cannot bring are anything with an open heat source; that includes toasters, griddles, candles, and such. Additionally, there are no pets allowed in the residence halls except for service animals, emotional support animals, or one permanently water-dwelling fish.

Any student who doesn’t already live in El Paso County is required to live on campus for their first year. Many students from Colorado Springs even choose to live on campus during their freshmen year. After that, many students choose to move off-campus, some apply to be RAs, and others move into the on-campus upperclassmen apartments. When students are applying for housing, there is a questionnaire to help match suite mates. If a suite mate match doesn’t work out very well then there’s time and help to find a better living arrangement.